
Cuireann Gaelscoil Lios na nÓg fáilte roimh gach páiste.

  Gaelscoil Lios na nÓg welcomes all children.

  Fealsúnacht na Scoile

An phríomhaidhm atá ag an scoil ná sároideachas a chur ar fáil trí mheán na Gaeilge agus grá don nGaeilge mar theanga bheo a chothú sna páistí. Cuirtear fáilte roimh gach páiste, má tá Gaeilge acu sa bhaile nó muna bhfuil, agus roimh chlanna de chultúir éagsúla leis.

Tá páirt lárnach ag tuismitheoirí Lios na nÓg i bhfeidhmiú na scoile agus is mór dúinn a dtacaíocht agus a gcabhair.

 School Ethos

The aim of the school is to provide education through the medium of Irish and to foster a love of Irish as a living language. All children are welcome, whether or not they speak Irish in the home, and families from different cultural backgrounds are also very welcome.

Parents have a central involvement in the school and we greatly value their support and help.